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Studium für Humanmedizin, Universität Bern

2001 Promotion „In Vitro Model for the Study of Necrosis and Apoptosis in Native Cartilage“ Institut für Pathologie, Universität Bern
2001 – 2003 Postdoktorat Knorpelchirurgie, „Osteoarticular Research Group“, Institut für Pathologie, Universität Bern
2003 – 2005 Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Basel
2005 – 2006 Spital Münsingen, Orthopädisches  Zentrum  Münsingen
2006 – 2010 Orthopädische Klinik, Kantonsspital Aarau, Oberarzt, Leitung Hüftteam
2010 – 2013 Stv. Chefarzt Orthopädisches Zentrum Münsingen, Leitung Orthopädisches Sportzentrum Münsingen / Swiss Sport Clinic
September 2013 Eröffnung Praxis Salem Spital Bern, Übernahme der Praxis von Dr. med. Bernhard Huber


  •  Grogan SP, Aklin B, Frenz M, Brunner T, Schaffner T, Mainil-Varlet P. In vitro model for the study of necrosis and apoptosis in native cartilage. J Pathol. 2002 Sep; 198(1):5-13.
  • Brehm W, Aklin B, Yamashita T, Rieser F, Trüb T, Jakob RP, Mainil-Varlet P. Repair of superficial osteochondral defects with an autologous scaffold-free cartilage construct in a caprine model: implantation method and short-term results. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2006 Dec; 14(12):1214-26.

Abstracts und Posters

  • Aklin B, Rieser F, Trüb T, Grogan SP, Winkelmann V, Jakob RP, Mainil-Varlet P. Articular cartilage repair using DENOVO-T™: a scaffold-free cartilage-like implant. 5th ICRS Meeting, Gent, 2004, Abstract 805, 17.
  • Brehm W, Aklin B, Yamashita T, Rieser F, Trüb T, Mainil-Varlet P. Cartilage repair using DENOVO-T™in a caprine superficial osteochondral defect model. 5th ICRS Meeting, Gent, 2004, Abstract, Poster 806, 100.
  • Aklin B, Brehm W, Mainil-Varlet P. Periosteal flap loosening rate in a caprine chondral defect model, 8th WC OARSI, Berlin, 2003, Vol 11, Suppl A, 107.
  • Brehm W, Aklin B, Mainil-Varlet P. Subchondral bone remodeling in a caprine cartilage defect model. 8th WC OARSI, Berlin, 2003, Vol 11, Suppl A, 28.
  • Aklin B, Wang X, Kohler I, Grogan SP, Rieser F, Trüb T, Schaffner T, Mainil-Varlet P. Compartmental repair of osteochondral defects: a preliminary study in rabbits. DKF. Tag der Klinischen Forschung, Universität Bern, 2002.
  • Brehm W, Aklin B, Wang X, Trüb T, Jakob RP, Mainil-Varlet P. Novel Technologies to repair cartilage defects. SGO, Schweiz Med Forum, 2003, Suppl 15, 29S.
  • Grogan SP, Aklin B, Frenz M, Schaffner T, Mainil-Varlet P. Rapid evalution of cell viability and apoptosis in intact cartilage via confocal microscopy, 47th Annual Meeting ORS, San Francisco, 2001, Abstract 34.
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